Irondean - One more Iron Madman

This is the training blog for Dean Sakihama. I’m not a health nut. I’m a distance junkie. The healthiest things I’ve done in my life are shortening my commute, leaving toxic jobs, finding good friends, and taking up running. In the triathlon world I fell in love with long distances.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

An Open Letter: Apologies in Advance

Dear friends, family, and other assorted loved ones,

In advance I apologize for the following:
for missing parties, birthdays, anniversaries, pony rides, & road trips.

For showing up to the things that I can make it to famished and unabashedly loading up my plate with any/all food in sight.

For seeming to have fallen off the face of the planet.

These are the advance apologies of your, son, brother, grandson, cousin, nephew, friend, co-worker, whom you already know to be a psycho triathlon guy. I love you all and will invariably miss out on some of the richness of your life over the next months on my way to Ironman this year. For that I am truly sorry.

Keep sending the email, leaving voicemail and the like. Peace to you and the people in your lives wherever you find yourself this holiday season.

dean sakihama - Previously sane
tnt mentor
LA Ironteam '06~'07

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At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a nut. But, I love nuts, so I guess it's okay. You're also inspiring...But you know that, right?


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