Irondean - One more Iron Madman

This is the training blog for Dean Sakihama. I’m not a health nut. I’m a distance junkie. The healthiest things I’ve done in my life are shortening my commute, leaving toxic jobs, finding good friends, and taking up running. In the triathlon world I fell in love with long distances.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


When you talk to distance athletes, long course triathletes in particular, you find that beyond physical gear the conversation will drift towards nutrition. "What do you eat/drink", "How much do you take with you", "What do you use?" The answers and solutions vary even more widely than the products available. Combinations of products often work better for individuals as different people metabolize and burn nutrients at different rates. Scientific studies also prove and disprove concrete training methodology every year. So what do you take?

Me personally, I've tried quite a few products and here's what I look for:
  • Calories per bottle (as this will help me calculate total calories sustaining me over the distance)
  • Carbs per bottle (major source of fuel)
  • Type of carbs in the drink/food/gel (different sugars have properties that lend themselves to easier, slower, faster, absorption rates and may have an effect on one's digestive system)
  • Flavor (All the above properties are meaningless if you don't want to or can't drink/eat it)
  • How mixable is it at the concentration I need it?
  • Does it still taste good when it's been baking in a plastic water bottle for four hours?
    • Very important!!! (See Flavor)
See then next few posts for my reviews on selected nutrition products and their virtues

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